Woman in bikini on beach holding arms up

Gastric Sleeve

If your obesity hasn't responded to diet and exercise, gastric sleeve surgery can reduce your stomach size and lead to amazing weight loss. Dr. Sergio Verboonen offers state-of-the-art gastric sleeve surgery as part of an all-inclusive package for only $4,500. Find out why thousands of patients have chosen our doctors in Tijuana, Mexico, for this life-changing bariatric procedure...

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a minimal-risk option that will result in significant weight loss. Also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), this procedure has been performed in Mexico for about 15 years and has become the top choice for men and women suffering from obesity. 

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most straightforward bariatric procedures. During the surgery, the bariatric surgeon removes a significant portion of the stomach, leaving behind a much smaller "gastric sleeve" that is roughly the size and shape of a banana. Reducing the size of the stomach helps you lose weight in two ways:

  • Obviously, with a smaller stomach, you will eat less and feel fuller faster.
  • Additionally, the procedure reduces the body's production of ghrelin, a hormone that causes feelings of hunger.

The effects of this weight loss surgery are extraordinary. On average, patients lose around 90 percent of their excess body weight in only 18 months.

diagram of gastric sleeve surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery reduces the size of the stomach.

Traditional Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Traditional gastric sleeve operations require several incisions in the abdomen. While this may still be best for some patients, we generally prefer single-incision gastric sleeve surgery whenever possible. 

Your Weight Loss Journey Begins Today Request a Free Virtual Consultation

Patients travel from all over the world to undergo gastric sleeve surgery with the renowned bariatric surgeons at our surgical center in Tijuana, Mexico.

If you are interested in sleeve gastrectomy, or any other form of weight loss surgery, we invite you to fill out our no-obligation questionnaire. When you submit this form, one of our friendly, in-house patient coordinators will review your answers and get in touch with you to schedule a free virtual consultation.

If you have any questions, you can contact us online or give us a call.

(619) 629-0222

silhouette of a thin woman inside silhouette of a heavy woman
Weight loss surgery can truly change your life.
"We care about our patients and want to equip them for long-term weight loss success."

Calculate Your BMI

Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Lower Risk

Because we perform sleeve gastrectomy laparoscopically with minimally invasive techniques, the risks of the surgery are very low. It is considered one of the safest bariatric surgeries because the digestive tract is not altered (like it is with the gastric bypass) and there are no foreign objects placed in the body (like there are with LAP-BAND® procedures.)

Impressive Weight Loss

Sleeve gastrectomy can result in incredible weight loss. Just three months after the bariatric surgery, patients lose an average of 33 percent of their excess body weight. After a year, that average is 70 percent, and after 18 months, patients lose an average of 90 percent of their excess body weight. This level of weight loss doesn't only upgrade your appearance and confidence, but can also improve your overall health and extend your life.

Improved Health

Like gastric bypass and other weight-loss surgeries, sleeve gastrectomy can improve or even cure a variety of obesity-related conditions, including diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, and depression.

Learn If Gastric Sleeve Is the Right Option for Your Weight Loss Goals

A vertical sleeve gastrectomy may be the right procedure for you to lose weight and improve your overall health. Fill out our contact form to learn more about gastric sleeve. You can also call our Tijuana, Mexico, weight loss surgery center at (619) 629-0222.

"It's amazing how much Americans can save on bariatric surgery by traveling a few miles south of the border into Tijuana, Mexico."

We Have Your Best Interests at Heart

At our Tijuana, Mexico, surgical center, we truly believe we are the best option for affordable and effective bariatric surgery. Our team of doctors, medical staff, and support personnel come together to make each patient's bariatric experience world-class and the safest available.

Unlike other bariatric practices in Tijuana, our surgical center is owned and operated by some of its own doctors and management group. Other medical tourism services work with brokers that take your information and then send your case out for bids, trying to find the lowest possible price from unknown surgeons so that the brokers can keep a higher percentage of your payment. We don't work like that. Instead, our marketing and support team is completely in-house with set, all-inclusive pricing and no farming out of your requested surgery.

We truly are the best choice for top-tier medical care in Tijuana. We are changing weight loss surgery in Tijuana Mexico, one patient at a time. You deserve the best, and with our bariatric surgery center, you have found it.

A Closer Look At Gastric Sleeve Benefits

Dr. Verboonen has performed over 5,000 gastric sleeve surgeries for over a decade and has patients from all over the world. He is also proficient at other bariatric surgeries, including gastric bypass and mini-gastric bypass.

The Pre-Op Diet Preparing for Gastric Sleeve Treatment

Approximately two weeks before your gastric sleeve, you'll begin a special diet that will help prepare you for the surgery. The main focus of this pre-op diet is to shrink the liver. Shrinking the liver makes the gastric sleeve procedure easier and safer to perform. The pre-op diet also prepares patients for the transitional diet back into solid foods after the gastric sleeve surgery.

The pre-op diet predominantly consists of protein shakes, sugar-free beverages, soup broths, and clear liquids. A serving or two of lean meat or vegetables may be permitted based on the discretion of your bariatric surgeon.

More details on this pre-op diet can be provided as part of the consultation process.

Man making a protein shake

How Traditional Gastric Sleeve Surgery Is Performed A Treatment Timeline

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed in two ways at our practice: the traditional way and a newer method which is the single-incision gastric sleeve.

If you and our surgeons decide that traditional sleeve gastrectomy is the right weight loss surgery for you, you can expect your procedure to proceed according to the following timeline:

Our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Tijuana, Mexico, is just one mile from the US-Mexico border and minutes from San Diego.
Our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Tijuana, Mexico, is just one mile from the US-Mexico border and minutes from San Diego.

Anesthesia and Incisions

First, you will be put under general anesthesia, so you will be unconscious during your surgery. Then, four to six small incisions will be made in your abdomen.

Inserting Instruments

Four to six laparoscopic instruments are inserted into the abdomen to allow the surgeon to maneuver. Then the trocar is placed in the abdomen in order to reduce the stomach and staple the stomach closed. The bougie is then inserted endoscopically to allow an outline for the surgeon to reduce the stomach. The bougie size shows how big the stomach will be after surgery.

Altering the Stomach

The surgeon will remove about 80 percent of the stomach tissue and staple the resulting sleeve closed.

Begin Recovery

The surgeon will ensure there are no leaks in your newly reduced stomach. He will stitch up the four to six small incisions in your abdomen, and you are then sent to recover and start the healing process. 

What Is Single-Incision
Laparoscopic Sleeve Surgery?


Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) is a method of performing a sleeve gastrectomy. During a SILS gastric sleeve, all incisions are made in the patient's belly button. This keeps surgical incisions and scarring completely hidden and difficult to notice.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey Contact Our Bariatric Surgery Center

Gastric sleeve surgery can change your life for the better. Thanks to our bariatric surgeons and in-house support team, you can undergo safe, effective, and affordable weight loss surgery that can enhance your overall wellness.

Take the first important step in your health journey. Leave a message with our bariatric surgery practice today to set up a consultation. You can also reach our office in Tijuana, Mexico, by phone.

(619) 629-0222

"I have been working hard towards my weight loss goal for over a month now after surgery. Dr. Verboonen and his team are really nice!!! There are some language barriers here and there, but they always provided me with care I never received before, not even in the USA. Dr. Verboonen is always encouraging me along my way of losing weight, never said a thing to discourage me!! Dr. Verboonen always helpful and thoughtful, he is like my best friend now, who's watching through my way of losing weight!!! If u want to lose weight, try Dr. Sergio Verboonen and his Obesity Good Bye Center in Tijuana!!!!" Whitney Basile, 5-Star Review

Gastric Sleeve Surgical Recovery

After gastric sleeve surgery, patients should focus on rest in order to speed up the healing process. However, patients are encouraged to walk for a few minutes multiple times a day as they are recuperating in order to promote circulation.

Many bariatric surgery patients are able to return to work by the end of the first week of healing, if not within the first week. That said, it will take more time for a patient to return to a physically demanding job.

Most people can return to moderate exercise and physical activity about one month after surgery. By that time, incisions will have sufficiently healed and patients should be in good enough condition to be active. It can take additional time before patients can resume heavy lifting and strenuous exercise routines.

Couple walking on the beach

Diet After Gastric Sleeve

Patients will slowly transition back into solid foods as they heal. This is a general overview of the post-op diet. We can provide a more detailed breakdown as part of the consultation process.

First Week After Surgery

In the first week after surgery, gastric sleeve patients will be on a strict diet of clear liquids. Common foods include water, clear broths, decaffeinated coffee and tea, gelatin, and sugar-free popsicles.

Second Week After Surgery

The second week after surgery, patients can transition to a more robust liquid diet by adding foods such as protein shakes, unsweetened milk, and thinned oatmeal into their diet. Sugar-free non-fat yogurt and pudding are also permitted.

Third Week After Surgery

By week three, patients can add very soft solids into their diet. This includes cottage cheese, baby food, hummus, mashed bananas, soft tofu, creamy soups, and soft-scrambled or soft-boiled eggs.

Fourth Week After Surgery

A month after the gastric sleeve procedure, solid foods can start returning to your diet, such as well-cooked chicken or fish, well-cooked vegetables, and fruit. Takes things slowly so your body can continue to adjust and recover.

Your Diet After Full Recovery


Now that you've returned to solid foods, you should eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet. Focus on vegetables and lean proteins whenever possible and seek out nutritionally dense options. Avoid sweets, trans fats, and foods that are heavily processed. Make sure to chew your food thoroughly and savor your meals. Most importantly, drink water between meals rather than during meals so you can be fully sated each time you eat.

Gastric Sleeve Cost

In the United States or Canada, this procedure can cost upwards of $20,000. However, at our practice in Tijuana, Mexico, our gastric sleeve package is only $4,500. This is an all-inclusive package including everything except airfare and take-home meds, with no surprise fees. Airfare varies and take-home meds are $85.

It's amazing how much Americans can save on bariatric surgery by traveling a few miles south of the border into Tijuana, Mexico. Here is a full list of all of the medical tourism packages offered at our weight loss surgery facility, including gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and more:

LAP BAND$4,500 



The surgery cost includes:
Ground Transportation to and from the San Diego Airport (2 PAX)
Hotel Fees (private double room)
Hospital Fees (double or single room)
Medical Fees 
Pre and post operative tests
Nutritional consultation pre and post surgery


Hiatal Hernia$500
Previous Bariatric Surgery (no cost when performed by our practice in Tijuana)$800

These are potential fees in addition to the surgery base price. CASH PRICE ONLY.

Concerned About Costs?

We believe people shouldn't put their health on hold. That's why we offer healthcare financing through United Medical Credit. You can contact our office to learn more about this option. 

“I have tried every conceivable diet out there and at times had some weight loss but I never had as much success as I am having with Dr. Verboonen after my gastric sleeve surgery in tijuana mexico. It's been easy & everyone there is so very nice & helpful which makes it even easier !! This is definitely a program that changes your life!” Boris Berenstein, 5-Star Review
Dr. Verboonen

Dr. Sergio Verboonen

Dr. Verboonen has been providing life-changing bariatric surgery for a diverse range of patients since 1995. He and his team have performed thousands of bariatric procedures at our Tijuana, Mexico, practice. We are proud to be affiliated with:

  • International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • Colegio Mexicano de Cirugía para la Obesidad y Enfermedades Metabólicas, A.C.
  • American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery

Fill out our form to get started.

For more information about our services, contact our practice online or call (619) 629-0222

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