Healthy gastric bypass patient

Gastric Bypass

Are you ready to take control of your weight? Are you looking for a safe and affordable bariatric surgery solution?

Our weight loss surgery center in Tijuana, Mexico, provides trustworthy and effective gastric bypass surgery at an affordable price.

Learn how our bariatric surgeon can help you reach your weight loss goals through gastric bypass surgery.

How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Help With Weight Loss?

Gastric bypass, also called Roux-en-Y, aids weight loss in two ways:

Restricts Food Intake

After your bariatric surgery, the amount of food you will be capable of consuming is limited because of the small size of the newly formed stomach pouch. The new, smaller stomach will only hold less than a single cup of food.

Restricts Caloric Absorption

The food you eat will move from the stomach pouch directly to the lower part of the small intestine. Much of the calories in the food will not be absorbed, which helps obese patients to lose weight quickly and maintain healthy eating habits.

How Gastric Bypass Was Created

Gastric bypass was developed by Dr. Edward Mason and Dr. Chikashi Ito after they noticed that patients who underwent partial gastrectomy had a difficult time gaining weight. The gastric procedure was based on Dr. Roux’s turn of the century technique. In 1967, Drs. Mason and Ito performed the first bariatric Roux-en-Y surgery. The availability of surgical staples allowed the surgeons to decrease the size of the stomach and bypass a portion of the small intestine to restrict food intake and caloric absorption.

Am I a Good Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The best way to learn if you are a good candidate for gastric bypass surgery is to fill out our online form to begin the process of a free virtual consultation. You will be required to go through a detailed screening procedure to confirm your suitability for gastric bypass surgery.

Most obese patients who are struggling to lose weight make good candidates for gastric bypass at our Baja California practice. However, some factors can affect your candidacy:


Gastric bypass surgery is suitable for those who have a BMI of at least 35. This bariatric surgery can cause extreme weight loss, so patients must have sufficient excess weight to lose.

Obesity-Related Disease

Patients experiencing serious obesity-related health concerns such as diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, sleep apnea, or GERD are good candidates for this weight loss surgery.

Your Expectations

You need to be ready to make permanent changes to your daily life after gastric bypass surgery. We will provide long-term follow-up plans that are specifically designed to monitor your nutritional levels, your lifestyle, your behavior, and your medical condition.

Safe and Effective Gastric Bypass Surgery

Our bariatric surgeon and his team in Tijuana, Mexico, have been providing comprehensive weight-loss treatments since 1995. Our focus is for all our patients to experience the lasting benefits of bariatric surgery, which is why we provide preoperative and postoperative psychological and nutritional guidance. Our aftercare plans are unparalleled and have helped many of our patients maintain successful outcomes.

Our Tijuana, Mexico, bariatric surgeon's office provides patients with a safe, effective, and affordable way to lose weight. Request a consultation to take control of your weight and start living a healthier life.

(619) 629-0222

Dr. Verboonen

"This is the place to go!"


Debra Learn


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I am so happy to be part of this family and be on this weight loss journey. Had my sleeve on 12/4/18 and am 70 lbs down. I was impressed with the staff from the moment I stepped into the clinic. From Carlos, my case manager, to Dr. Vega and the team that performed my work up. To the incredibly funny anesthesiologist who made me laugh. To Dr. Verboonen and the surgical team and last, but not least, to the nurses that took care of me. You were awesome! If you’re looking for a great team, this is the place to go!

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Jeannie D. Skinner


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What a great experience with the Dr and his staff at their obesity goodbye center! They spent time with me to find out the best program I needed and they have a machine that does all my exact measurements and emailed me my results. I have lost 4lbs this week and I have a long way to go but they offered everything! I went with Dr. Verboonen in hopes that the gastric sleeve surgery would be done by the very best gastric sleeve surgeon in tijuana mexico, and guess what, that’s exactly what happened. THANK YOU!!!!

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Why Tijuana Is the Perfect Place For Weight Loss Surgery

Surgical team in OR

Our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Tijuana offers safe, affordable, and life-changing weight loss surgery. Some of the benefits of choosing our location are:


We offer medical tourism that's close to home: our Tijuana, Mexico, surgical facility is only 20 minutes away from the San Diego airport, making it a convenient travel location for all our U.S. patients.


Our surgeon is board-certified and has performed thousands of weight loss surgeries during his years of practice. Our entire bilingual team genuinely cares about each patient and is dedicated to giving you the best experience.


Tijuana is a bustling metropolis with plenty of things to go see and do. You will be able to enjoy what the city and Baja California has to offer before experiencing the life-changing benefits of bariatric surgery. 


Our pricing in Tijuana is considerably more affordable than anywhere in the U.S. Prices for gastric bypass in the U.S. can reach up to $20,000. The cost at our Tijuana location is $6,900. This price also includes ground transportation, hotel fees, medical fees, and more.

A Closer Look at Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

The R&Y Gastric Bypass in Mexico

The Surgical Process of Gastric Bypass

This laparoscopic procedure restricts your food intake by creating a smaller stomach and limits your caloric absorption by bypassing part of your small intestine.

"Gastric bypass has the highest success ratio of any bariatric surgical procedure."

Day of Procedure

"Gastric bypass has the highest success ratio of any bariatric surgical procedure."


You will be under general anesthesia to ensure you remain asleep throughout the entire procedure.


Our bariatric surgeon will make several small incisions in your abdomen. Through these incisions, he will insert the laparoscope to perform the bypass.


Our surgeon will separate your stomach by making a diagonal incision across the upper portion. Both stomach pouches will be sealed off from one another with medical-grade staples. 


Once the stomach has been separated, our surgeon will make an incision in the lower part of the small intestine. The newly created upper stomach pouch will be linked with the lower part of the small intestine. The small intestine is then reorganized to link with both stomach pouches.

Are There Any Risks to Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Every surgery comes with its own set of potential complications. Our experienced team knows how to drastically reduce your risk of surgical complications. If you follow your surgeon's aftercare instructions, the likelihood of developing postoperative complications like hernias, malnutrition, or ulcers is low.

Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Sleeve What's the Difference?

Gastric sleeve, also called sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass are similar bariatric procedures in that they both reduce the size of the stomach. Gastric sleeve surgery, however, does not reroute your intestine.

Weight Loss Results

Gastric bypass typically results in greater weight loss than gastric sleeve. For morbidly obese patients, gastric bypass is typically the preferred option.

Improved Health

Gastric bypass has shown greater results in improving weight-related conditions like type 2 diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea than sleeve gastrectomy.

Recovery Period

Because gastric sleeve surgery only affects the stomach, it typically has a quicker recovery time and a lower risk of surgical complications.

The Price Of Gastric Bypass in Tijuana

GASTRIC SLEEVE$4,500$5,500
GASTRIC BYPASS$6,900$7,900
LAP BAND$4,500$5,500
LAP BAND REMOVAL$2,500$3,500



The surgery cost includes:
Ground Transportation to and from the San Diego Airport
Hotel Fees
Hospital Fees
Medical Fees
Pre and post operative tests
Nutritional Consultation pre and post surgery
DOES NOT INCLUDE: Post surgery medication ($85)


Hiatal Hernia$500
Previous Bariatric Surgery (no cost when performed by Dr. Verboonen) Revision/Conversion fee$800

These are potential fees in addition to the surgery base price. CASH PRICE ONLY.

More 5-Star Reviews From Our Happy Patients


Whitney Basile


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If u want to lose weight, try Dr. Sergio Verboonen and his Obesity Good Bye Center in Tijuana!!!! I had the top surgeon working on my gastric sleeve in Tijuana. I strongly recommend it, just go and have a try!! You will receive amazing results~~~

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Kristin Neal


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Dr Verboonen and his team are amazing! I would recommend them to anyone. You will be treated with respect. They are very professional and friendly.

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Dr. Verboonen

Dr. Sergio Verboonen

Dr. Verboonen has been providing life-changing bariatric surgery for a diverse range of patients since 1995. He and his team have performed thousands of bariatric procedures at our Tijuana, Mexico, practice. We are proud to be affiliated with:

  • International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • Colegio Mexicano de Cirugía para la Obesidad y Enfermedades Metabólicas, A.C.
  • American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery

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